"JO Apply" is now up and running on the CNRFC Apply website:   Note: the program will search your computer for a CAC Card or other authorized access.  If you do not have this, you cannot utilize this program.

This is the new centralized assignments process for junior officer billets (LCDR and below). The program is designed to give more visibility on vacant billets to junior officers and to allow JO's to apply for new billets on line. For the Reserve Law Program, this will be a useful tool and it will be used in conjunction with our current practice of filling junior officer billets. There is no change to existing billet assignment approvals for 2505 billets; as the OSO for Navy JAG, our Law Program Manager, CAPT Joe Twining, will retain overall authority for 2505 billet assignments, but he will continue to rely on SJA’s and CO’s for assistance in filling our vacant JO billets with our best qualified officers.

There is good information on the Apply site about JO Apply and SJA’s should review it. Also, every unit CO should review this information as well because CO's (along with OSO's) can add comments to the billet file for billets in their units. Obviously, the more information there is in the billet file the greater the likelihood of finding the best officer for the billet.

The site is now open for JO's to register and start reviewing billets. There is a limited period of time each month for officers to apply for billets; then OSO's will review and rank applicants after which the billet assignments are made. Vacant billets not filled will remain in the billet file for possible fill in future months. For 2505 billet approvals, CAPT Twining will work with the SJA’s on any tentative fills for vacant billets in their respective AORs.

SJA’s are requested to search for and review the vacant billets in their AOR as shown in JO Apply.  You can use the "browse vacant JO billets" tab at the top of the Welcome page and limit your search to their REDCOM to find these billets. Please advise CAPT Twining as soon as possible whether there are billets listed that should not be listed because there is a pending fill for the billet to include new accessions. CAPT Twining is not able to monitor these pending fills so he needs your assistance in this regard. We can suppress billets that should not be listed as vacant.

If any SJA’s have specific comments they believe should be included in a billet file, pass those to CAPT Twining and he will add the comments. Also, Unit CO's are able to add comments directly to the billet files, and CO's are urged to start adding comments to the billet files to assist JO's in making an informed decision about new billet assignments. Only vacant billets currently show up in JO Apply, but eventually all JO billets will be added to the database.

There will be some glitches as JO Apply is implemented in the Law Program. Everyone’s comments and suggestions on how to make this work or regarding any problems encountered are welcome.

A brief Powerpoint presentation about this new program can be found HERE (please note that it is not interactive, and the links in the slides do not work).

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